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Find the right fit for your school, based on your focus interest, level of support needed and type of resources that suit your context. Below is a selection of modules (left) and a guide to understanding how we approach professional learning. 

One day with training with staff, MAT or team, plus follow-up



Series, working with team or delivering a course



Whole school implementation across several areas


Keynotes ?

Whole school implementation across several areas



At your school, working directly with leaders, staff and students



Resources for teaches and leaders; online courses



Curriculum tailored to your context


Keynotes ?

Whole school implementation across several areas



Belonging: Building Relationships that Matter

Positive relationships between adults and students drive motivation and engagement and underpin the academic success of students. Examine educational research behind the power of relationship building and establishing norms in schools and classrooms. Learn steps that teachers and leaders can practise to intentionally connect with students so that all children feel they belong and can thrive in school.


Unconscious Bias: Being Aware our Blind Spots for a More Inclusive Classroom 

There are common, yet unintentional, blind spots that get in the way of all children learning. Teachers need to be aware of the research in order to take action. These barriers include unconscious bias, false expectations and stereotype threat. Learn strategies educators can use immediately in order to uncover their blind spots, set high expectations and create inclusive, culturally-responsive learning environments.


Peer Power: Creating a Class where Peers Support Each Other

Peer culture dominates any classroom, and how well peers support each other will have a direct impact on students’ sense of belonging, academic risk taking and willingness to embrace challenges. Explore the research about the importance of peer-to-peer relationships and learn a series of strategies to build strong bonds, better communication and more effective peer-to-peer feedback. 


The Science of Learning: Managing Instruction to Maximise Memory

Understanding the most current evidence relating to the science of learning enables teachers to be their most effective, helping them to maximise students’ working memories, minimise unnecessary load and increase students’ knowledge. Learn more about how small changes in how we teach can have a big impact on learning. Armed with a confident understanding of memory and how to communicate that, teachers will also be able to teach students about the science of learning and their role as active learners. 


Long Term Learning: Putting the Most Effective Strategies into Action

Research is clear: there are a number of learning strategies that are superior for long term learning and retention. Learn more about research, what it looks like in real classrooms and how teachers can easily integrate these strategies into their planning and teaching. Uncover the common pitfalls and solutions for implementing the most effective learning techniques, like spaced retrieval practice and interleaving, so that learners get the most from your teaching. 


The Power of Pictures and Words: Dual Coding in the Classroom 

When it comes to memory, visuals pack power. Combine them with words to supercharge the capacity to recall even more. Dual coding is combining verbal information with visuals to maximise working memory capacity and make learning stick, such as co-locating pictures and words; using graphic organisers; and optimising presentations. Learn the science behind dual coding and strategies you can use in the classroom across the curriculum — and crucial dos and don’ts. 


Learning Mindset: Cultivating a Belief in the Ability to Succeed

A learning mindset is an approach to learning that recognises that getting better at something necessities perseverance, hard work and challenge as well as trying different strategies and asking for help. Teachers can cultivate this mindset, or self-belief, by teaching students about the choices effective learners make, by demonstrating they value error and risk-taking and through utilising specific teacher feedback in the classroom.


Metacognition: Getting Better at Thinking about Learning

Metacognition, or thinking about how one learns, is an essential tool for students that should be explicitly taught, modelled and practised in order for learners to develop this skill. Explore the research regarding the best approach to integrate metacognition into teaching with a series of strategies that are easy to implement into your daily practice. Modelled and practised on a routined basis, these ways of thinking form habits for life. 


Classroom Talk: Using Oracy to Increase Rigor and Understanding 

Classroom talk that’s accountable to the learning community and to rigorous thinking helps foster communication skills, builds confidence and supports a learning mindset. It is the type of classroom talk that can be taught and practised, using protocols for teachers and students. Explore case studies, effective questioning and language prompts. Adapt an approach that suits the level and age of your students.

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"The morning (with TailoredPractice) was the best CPD as head I have attended in sometime. It reminded me why I wanted to teach in the first place, which was to help children become lifelong learners."



from leadership training course

"The session was delivered in a lively way, which left all participants inspired with very useful ideas that can be used straight away.

Tricia skilfully adapted the session to be relevant

to us." 


Susi Sahmland,

Lecturer in Education (MFL) 

Goldsmiths, University of London

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