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TailoredPractice partners with schools to embed current evidence-informed strategies into the fabric of your school to maximise learning. For long lasting and impactful results, TailoredPractice tailors its approach to meet the specific needs of the whole school community in a way that is straight-forward and ready for immediate implementation. 

Creating a culture and climate

for long term learning


 “There is a closer correlation between school success and metacognition (or thinking skills) than there is between school success and intelligence.” *

Teaching students to be expert thinkers helps them to be better, more independent learners and drives motivation. 

Click here to learn more.   


Understanding how we learn and how to maximise memory is a powerful tool for success, yet often underutilised. When students and teachers use strategies grounded in cognitive science, 

students learn more and remember it for the long term. 

Click here to learn more. 


People who have a high level of self-believe are shown to be more successful in school, happier in their learning and better equipped to persevere when faced with challenges. Create a classroom and school environment where everyone belongs and knows they can get smarter. 

Click here to learn more. 

Workshops to
Make Learning Stick

During form time, secondary school students participate in weekly sessions led by their tutors. They explore the science of how we learn and how to use different strategies to learn more effectively over the long term. Understanding memory is not just for teachers!

An Artist's Journey, inspired by Ron Berger's Austin's Butterfly, documents a project at Dunraven School to teach perseverance and feedback that is kind, useful and specific. TailoredPractice designed the project to help shift the ownership of Mindset language to that of young children. For more information about the inspiration, go to @ELeducation or Models of Excellence Austin's Butterfly. 

Peer feedback that is kind, useful and specific 
What Ofsted say

What Ofsted say

What teachers say

What teachers say

What students say

What students say

What headteachers say

What headteachers say

What parents say

What parents say

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